====== Build the Software ======
The application is developed on a Linux host machine and can then be deployed to the board. The software itself can be studied on [[https://github.com/eeduro/delta]].
===== Preparations =====
Install our Linux image on the target and install the necessary SDK and tools on the host as described in [[https://wiki.eeros.org/getting_started/install/use_on_bbb|Installation on a Beaglebone Blue Board]]. Use a production image (ost-distro-*), see [[https://wiki.bu.ost.ch/infoportal/software/linux/yocto/meta-ost]]. This image is write protected which make it safe to turn the power of at any instance. However, you must make sure to mount the system as writable, see [[deploy|]].
===== Getting the Sources =====
Fetch the [[https://github.com/eeduro/eeduro-scripts.git|EEDURO scripts]] on your host and change into the right directory
$ git clone https://github.com/eeduro/eeduro-scripts.git eeduro
$ cd eeduro/delta
Run the ''clone.sh'' script. This will clone the necessary repository.
$ ./clone.sh
===== Compile =====
Start the compilation of the delta application with
$ ./make.sh
**Next: [[connect|]] **