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Build the Software

The application is developed on a Linux host machine and can then be deployed to the board.


You need any 64 bit Linux version (VM or standalone). We suggest using Ubuntu. Please make sure to have all necessary tools available.

$ sudo apt-get install make cmake git g++

As cross tool chain, the arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.9 is needed. It is recommended to use a Ubuntu 16.04 as host operating system, since this packet is available in the default repositories. If a Linux host is used in a virtual machine, a lightweight Ubuntu distribution is recommended. In case you are using a newer Ubuntu version, you have to add xenial to your sources list, see

Getting the Sources with a Script

A git repository hosted on GitHub contains useful build scripts. Fetch it on your cross development system with

$ git clone eeros-project
$ cd eeros-project

Run the script. This will clone all the necessary repositories.

$ ./

Compile Roboticscape Library

The library for the roboticscape must be compiled manually. Though the library is already on the target, we must also have it on the host, in order to be able to link an application. At the time of writing, the Beaglebone Blue boards are shipped with an image that has the robotics cape library version 0.3.4 installed. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use this version. The bbblue-eeros wrapper library was implemented to work with the robotics cape library v0.3.4. Newer version were not tested yet. When using the script, the correct version is checked out per default and no additional step is necessary.
If not yet installed, the cross toolchain must be installed on the host machine with the following command

$ sudo apt-get install g++-4.9-arm-linux-gnueabihf

If this fails and your Linux version does not offer the right version of the cross toolchain in its repositories, you have to add xenial to your sources list, see

To compile the library, change into:

$ cd librobotcontrol/libraries

and edit the Makefile therein. Change the following two lines from

CC		:= gcc
LINKER		:= gcc


CC		:= arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.9
LINKER		:= arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.9

This change is necessary because the library must be compiled with the cross compiler. Now, the roboticscape library can be compiled using make.

$ make


Change back into your project directory and start the compilation of EEROS, the hardware wrapper library, and the delta application with

$ ./


When the BeagleBone Blue Board is used the first time (never used with EEROS before or a brand new BeagleBone Blue / Image), some initial setup steps are needed. The script will copy the executable and libraries to /opt/eeros. Therefore, this folder must be present on the target or the copy fails. To create the folder, execute the following on the BeagleBone:

debian@beaglebone:$ sudo mkdir /opt/eeros
debian@beaglebone:$ sudo chown debian:debian /opt/eeros/

Also, some links must be created. The system must find the eeros libraries to load them. The following symbolic links are needed:

debian@beaglebone:$ cd /usr/lib/
debian@beaglebone:$ sudo ln -s /opt/eeros/lib/
debian@beaglebone:$ sudo ln -s
debian@beaglebone:$ sudo ln -s /opt/eeros/lib/
debian@beaglebone:$ sudo ln -s

Make sure the version information (….so. is not outdated! This can be checked by browsing the BeagleBoneBlue/install-armhf/lib/ folder on the development computer before copying the libraries to the target.

Next: Connect to the Target

build.1573832304.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/15 16:38 by graf