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Setup the environment

Get your IDE

It is highly recommended to use an IDE for your EEROS applications. You can use an IDE of your choice. The following steps explain how to setup an EEROS application with KDevelop.

$ sudo apt-get install kdevelop

Import an EEROS project

  1. Start KDevelop
  2. Project → Open/Import project
  3. Get to your working directory and choose the folder “BeagleBoneBlue/myApp”. Select the CMakeLists.txt and click next.
  4. You can use myApp as name, or any other, as you prefer. If you change this name, you also have to make changes to the deploy.txt file (later on).
  5. Click finish.
  6. Create the build configuration. It is recommended to put the target architecture in the name of the build folder. Put the path where EEROS is install in the “Installation Prefix” field.

You now have your main.cpp, HwConfigBBBlue.json and the CMakeLists.txt in your project solution. You can build this application by pressing the build-button in the top left corner. To run this application on your target device, get to your working directory

$ cd /path/to/working/directory/BeagleBoneBlue

If your project name is still myApp you can run the

$ ./

otherwise you have to change the project name in the deploy.txt file



and run the afterwards.

setup.1562676854.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/09 14:54 by graf