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Build the Software

The building of the software is exactly the same as in Build the Software with the exception that the necessary scripts are slightly different. Fetch them on your cross development system with

$ git clone eeduro
$ cd eeduro/delta-ntb

Use the scripts therein.

Test the Hardware

The same tests as Test the Hardware can be performed on this robot. Additionally, the following two tests must be performed.

The NTB version of the Delta has a target tool point (TCP) with a motor and a magnet. The magnet can be operated as follows (run as root):

root@bblue:$ cd /sys/class/leds
root@bblue:$ echo 1 > red/brightness

The TCP motor should turn clockwise with the command

ost@bblue:$ sudo rc_test_motors -m 4 -d 1

Check the direction of the encoder.

ost@bblue:$ rc_test_encoders 

Turn the TCP clockwise and the encoder values should be positive. If not, change the hardware configuration in HwConfigBBBlue.json.

Hardware Configuration Files

The git repository includes a directory robotList. There you can find the hardware configuration files for all ntb robots. While most of the configuration is the same for all robots, encoder resolution can differ. Please copy the right configuration file from this directory before downloading to the robot. Also copy the configuration file which fits to your ntb robot.

$ scp delta-ntb/robotList/HwConfigBBBlue.000x.json ost@
$ scp delta-ntb/robotList/delta-sort.000x.conf ost@

Replace the 'x' with the proper number.

ntb/build.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/06 11:18 by ursgraf