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Safety System

To get more informations and details about how the Safety System works, refer to the Safety System described in the eeros wiki. Various safety events allow to switch between the safety levels. They are triggered by the safety system itself or by the sequencer.

Safety System of the Delta Roboter

The entry level of the safety system is slControlStarting, where the control system is started and the event controlStartingDone is triggered.

There is one critical input: the red button, i.e. the emergency button, which triggers doEmergency.

The other two buttons cause the following actions.

  • Start button (green): This button is active in safety level slSystemReady. Pressing it will fire an doAutoMoving event and the robot will go into safety level slAutoMoving. Further, it is also active in slEmergency. If pressed there, it will fire doControlStart which causes the robot to go into safety level slControlStarting from where the main sequence will restart.
  • Stop button (blue): Press while being in auto moving state or in mouse moving state. It will fire an stopMoving event which causes the safety system to switch to level slSystemReady.
  • Stop button: Press three times while in safety level slSystemReady and the application will park the tool center point and terminate subsequently.
  • Stop button: Press while in the CalibrateBlockSequence to continue to the next step.
  • Start button together with stop button: If both buttons are pressed together in safety level slSystemReady the robot will start its calibration sequence.
safety_system.1565785956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/14 14:32 by visentin