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Running the Delta Application

Usually you want run the application upon startup of the board after you applied power. For this purpose you have to copy the script from the bbblue-scripts folder of on your target:

scp ./bbblue-scripts/ debian@

and make sure that it's executable:

debian@beaglebone:$ sudo chmod +x /opt/eeros/bin/ 

In the /etc/rc.local file on your target add the following line:

sudo screen -dmS delta /opt/eeros/bin/

This script will start the Delta application in a detached screen. To see the log output from the application just reattach to this screen session.

debian@beaglebone:$ sudo screen -r delta

If the Delta application terminates the BeagleBoneBlue will shutdown.

Next: Write Your Own Application

run.1574322535.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/21 08:48 by graf