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Running the Delta Application

Next, ssh into the target. Before you start the delta application you have to make sure that your mouse works with

ost@bblue:$ sudo cat /dev/input/event1	 

Start your application in a second terminal while the above command is still running

ost@bblue:$ sudo ./bin/delta -c bin/HwConfigBBBlue.json


Usually you want run the application upon startup of the board after you applied power. For this purpose you have to copy two files from the bbblue-scripts folder of to your target:

$ scp ./bbblue-scripts/ ost@
$ scp ./bbblue-scripts/delta-startup.service ost@

Make sure that is executable on the target. ssh into the target and run:

ost@bblue:$ chmod +x bin/ 

Further, copy the file delta-startup.service to the right location, so that your systemd can find it upon initialization.

ost@bblue:$ sudo mv bin/delta-startup.service /etc/systemd/system/

As a final step you have to enable the service with

ost@bblue:$ sudo systemctl enable delta-startup

and reboot with

ost@bblue:$ sudo /sbin/reboot

Now, the Delta application will start 20s after the board is powered up and the operating system finished its bootup procedure. When the Delta application terminates the Beaglebone Blue will shutdown after 30s. You can terminate the application as described in Program Execution and User Interface.

:!: Please note that upon termination of the program the BeagleBoneBlue will shutdown and you will loose your ssh connection.

Get Output of Loggers after Autostart

The Delta application periodically logs various state information. To see this output the application was started in a detached screen. To see the log output from the application just reattach to this screen session. First connect to your target with

$ ssh ost@

then reattach with

ost@bblue:$ sudo screen -r delta

You could also terminate the application by pressing CTRL-C.

:!: Please note that upon termination of the program the BeagleBoneBlue will shutdown and you will loose your ssh connection.

Next: Write Your Own Application

run.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/22 09:57 by ursgraf